Appointing Someone to Act on Your Behalf

A power of attorney is a document that gives a person the legal authority to act on your behalf. Although you may be married, you cannot assume that your spouse will have the right to make decisions about your medical care or financial affairs. Without establishing a power of attorney, other people will make decisions for you and this is a risk you should not take. Whether you are a single parent or a married spouse, it is important to appoint someone you trust to make important decisions for you when you are unable to.

Attorney John Donahue helps his clients establish powers of attorney for financial and medical decisions. Knowing who will make important decisions on your behalf is not always an easy choice, but it can provide you with the proper care and financial security to let you focus on your own needs. John will take the time to understand your concerns and he can help pursue effective estate planning strategies. With more than 23-years of legal experience, he has the tools and resources to help you today.

Power of Attorney: Two Different Types

You can appoint a financial power of attorney who will be in charge of all you financial affairs. Whether these decisions involve business operations and transactions or signing certain financial documents, this person will act on your best interests. You can also appoint a power of attorney for health care to ensure you receive the proper medical attention when needed. We will interview each candidate to ensure he or she can fulfill your best wishes and handle all necessary documentation.

Contact Our Medical and Durable Powers of Attorney Lawyer

To schedule a free initial consultation with John’s Los Angeles powers of attorney law firm, call (213) 984-1218, or fill out our short contact form.