Real Estate Options
You have MANY real estate options if you’re living in a house that is now too BIG or too EXPENSIVE for your current circumstances. If you are parents bouncing around in your now ‘Empty Nest’ of a home, if you are now a single homeowner the result of a death or divorce, or you inherited a big, expensive to maintain house you need to explore real estate options other than the obvious: Stay as you are or Sell…
Let’s explore LOTS of real estate options now that life changes have resulted in you living in a house that is now too big or too expensive.
You’re likely to be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are a bunch more real estate options than just hanging on for dear life or selling just to survive. I’ve been counseling with empty-nesters, retirees, recently-widowed, the now-single, and beneficiaries of their parent’s or grandparent’s home for decades.
The real estate options I can share with you are from REAL people who were rattling around a too-big, too-expensive home and we were able to zero in on some savvy and practical solutions that you’ve likely never considered! If so, we might be able to solve your current big house real estate dilemma. After we explore your life goals and the house in question, hopefully I can share with you several realistic possibilities that can remedy BOTH your big home issue and possibly improve your lifestyle. It happens. All the time.
Lifestyle and your day-to-day happiness is an important consideration. If you can find a real estate option that will solve the too-big, too-expensive house situation while simultaneously improving your daily happiness, that could a life-changing solution. If we can solve the house problem, that usually means that we can solve your hemorrhaging cash predicament. If we can do both, by making your daily life less-stressful and more interesting, that will be icing on the cake. Many of the real estate options that might be simple and life-changing for you, are ones that Realtors, real estate agents, and financial advisors won’t bring to your attention because there’s no paycheck in it for them.
Cancer took my spouse. I was 58. I thought I should move away anywhere other than in this big house we have shared since 1999. A year passed and at 59 I am not ready to stop working. This house is big. The pool and rear yard landscaping costs me dearly to maintain. There are three unused bedrooms and it is kind of lonely here, but if I sell, where can I go and will I be better off in a new place?
Keep the House or Sell?
There are OTHER Real Estate Options!
What can I bring to a brainstorming session of your real estate options that you have not considered?
Most homeowners trapped in a too-big or too-expensive house don’t know WHAT to do. The simple truth is, you have lots of practical choices if you find yourself in the financial rut of being in a house that is too big or too expensive to properly care for. You might be too close to your situation, or have never brainstormed all the opportunities available to you.
Some homeowners want to STAY. Often it is because your house was the “family home”. Now, however, the unused rooms, the cleaning, repairs, maintenance expenses, and the steep California property taxes are overwhelming. Common to most who feel ‘stuck’ is that ALL of your disposable income is sucked up by the big house. Vacations, trips to visit kids and grandkids become nearly impossible! If you want to stay in your too-big home, it is often a question of having more money to maintain the house and how to justify all the extra rooms.
Some homeowners want to SELL. Sometimes the ‘motivation to sell’ is simply to stop the hemorrhaging of money needed for upkeep. If not for the financial burden, staying in the house would be desirable. There are many variants for STAYING and SELLING that we have witnessed and can share with you.
Selling a too-big house has challenges. Homeowners who are considering selling, often have a huge LIST of things that need to be repaired or updated first. How can you sell the house with so much clutter, a cracked driveway, an old roof, or, (________)? Fill-in your own list! Selling “as is” might result in a loss. If you think about fixing up the house to sell, you wonder where the money will come from and if you can, will the upgrades generate a profit?
THERE ARE choices BESIDES selling. For those who might reluctantly be considering selling your house because the house is way too big or both big and expensive, should take me up on my brainstorming offer.
Real Estate Options counselor on Estate Planning website?
Why is a Real Estate Options counselor offering help to homeowners explore various options here on Estate Planning website?
I am a Real Estate Options BRAINSTORMING counselor. Together, for an hour or two we brainstorm YOUR many real estate options – options you’ve likely never considered. The exercise is informal, COST-FREE (on my available days) and as simple as having a cup of coffee with a friend. Coffee or not, we can get together at your home (usually a part of your current dilemma) or the closest gathering place to your home, my home or my office.
“Okay, What’s the sales pitch?” There isn’t a pitch. Seriously. It’s a Karma thing for us…
If we can help you find a solution to get your real estate options figured out – something that works for you, then… Six months from now or years from now when your REAL ESTATE is in order, maybe your financial hemorrhaging stopped, THEN if you want to wrap up in a pretty red bow your new life and real estate with a Living Trust, maybe you’ll consider calling the attorney that was helpful to you. Karma of offering good service.
If one day you have it all together (your real estate and cash flow), and you decide it is time to get your real estate into a Living Trust, why wouldn’t you consider us? The monthly money saved by many homeowners who fix a ‘BIG house problem’ will often cover the cost of putting together a simple Living Trust. A Living Trust for a house, bank account and a person’s normal stuff (real property) is often no more expensive than replacing a kitchen stove or box springs and mattress.
That said, as affordable as a Living Trust is, it is wise to have your real estate all figured out first. Finding the real estate option that fixes a unique situation often takes some brainstorming. If we can schedule a get-together that works for me (usually a time and distance thing), we offer my real estate options brainstorming service at NO COST.
For Homeowners Living In a BIG House
Real Estate Options – you’ve never even considered I will happily share with you once we talk through your life desires (as they pertain to your living situation) and I can survey your home, the community where your home is located, and other factors.
If you are frozen and need to figure out ‘WHAT’S NEXT’ , let us brainstorm your real estate options that you might be comfortable with. Many options give you the added blessing of a better day-to-day lifestyle where you’ll be better positioned to enjoy your life and your stuff. Given your circumstances and the physical house itself, I want you to consider some real estate options that many of our friends and clients have chosen. Nay one of them might be perfect for your situation.
LIFE happens. Grab it by the horns. Take control. Call us.